Interim Executive Director
Director of Accreditation
[email protected]
An independent school graduate himself, Jay brings to PAIS a 37 year history of teaching and administrative experience at Wyoming Seminary. At Wyoming Seminary, he served as a math and history teacher, Activities Director, Class Dean, Academic Dean and Upper School Division Head. He also was a dorm parent for eight years. Jay holds a B.S. in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. in Education from Wilkes University. For seven years Jay served on the PAIS Commission for Accreditation and over the past 12 years he has served on more than 20 different accreditation teams across the state, often as the Chair or Vice Chair. Now in his 4th year as Director, Jay leverages that experience to grow and strengthen the accreditation process for schools in the Association. Jay lives in Luzerne County with his wife Judy. He is the parent of three Wyoming Seminary graduates, Bryn, Zac and Tyler. His daughter Bryn taught for seven years at Berkeley Prep in Tampa, and son Tyler works in the Upper School music department at Wyoming Seminary. 

Business & Office Manager

[email protected]
Charlene joined PAIS as an Office Manager in September 2022.  Charlene brings 16 years of experience in education and administrative duties to PAIS.  Charlene is a lifelong learner and has a passion for both being involved in administration, as well as being an integral part of education.  She graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science in Business, and shortly thereafter received her Master of Education from Holy Family University.  She currently resides in Hatfield, Pennsylvania with her husband and three teenage daughters.

Director of Programs & Research

[email protected]
Deb Borden joined PAIS in February 2021 after extensive experience in independent schools as a Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School teacher of math and science, Middle School Director, Associate Head of School, and Director of Service Learning. Throughout her career, she was also involved in diversity work, professional development, performing arts, swim coaching, and admissions work. The majority of her school experience was at The Shipley School and she also spent time at The Delbarton School in New Jersey, Holy Child School at Rosemont, Agnes Irwin School, and most recently, Revolution School. She also is a founding member of the nonprofit, The Impact Center. Deb has a Bachelor's in Biology from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters in Education from Cabrini University. She lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania with her husband Barry. She is the mother of three grown children and the grandmother of two.

Director of Communications
[email protected]
Mary McAndrew joined PAIS in March 2020 as Director of Communications. She spent majority of her career in corporate communications and marketing and brings 15 years of experience to her role at PAIS. Mary earned her bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. She is a native of the Philadelphia area and currently lives in Wayne, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.